Why Should Dead Rodent Removal From The Basement, Walls, And Attics Be A Priority?

Rats are accountable for the transmission of many diseases. Dead rats are a bigger nuisance. The droppings of rats indicate a healthy, feeding rat population. They leave dirt or grease marks along floorboards and walls. Removing rats from your basement, walls, and attics by DIY method could be a mess.

It is better to call professional wildlife services like rodent pest control Brisbane when you are unsure. Mice dwell in burrows found in drain covers and grassy embankments at the edges of paving and beneath the roots of trees. 

A foul odour can make your living situation unbearable, causing overall unpleasantness. To immediately get rid of the carcass, call dead rodent removal Brisbanewho can remove the bodies quickly.

As per 24 hour rat control Brisbane, decaying bodies can become a breeding ground for flies if not disposed of properly. The problem exacerbates when they give birth to larvae that spread quickly throughout your home.

Parasites on dead rats search for their next living, compatible host like your pet. The pathogens in their bodies may infect you and cause diseases like Hantavirus, tularemia, and leptospirosis. To avoid any unwanted problem, let professionals handle it.


To clean your home of dead rat carcasses, you need a legitimate cleanup process. However, you can try DIYs, like proper hygiene precautions with rubber gloves and a mask. Sterile and strong solutions help destroy germs and bacteria. Make sure to scrub, disinfect, and deodorize all spaces in your home and wash away your clothes to eliminate any lingering bacteria. 

Professionals can sanitize your home with the best equipment and thereby prevent rats from spreading germs. They also make sure no odour, nesting materials, or faecal matter is left in your home.

Rats- a cause of worry

One of the most alarming pests in the world, rats, contaminate food and harm human health. 

Roof rats or black rats build nests above ground and inhabit trees, shrubs, and dense vegetation. Rats prefer elevated places like walls, cabinets, sheetrock ceilings, and attics. They enter homes through trees close to eaves or windows in warmer climates.

Rats are larger than mice. Nonetheless, both rodents can chew through hard, wooden surfaces. The teeth marks of rats are larger than those of mice.

Rat pest control detects them in gardens and fields and beneath trash, building foundations, or woodpiles. They use fibrous materials like cloth and shredded paper to build their nests.

Diseases Directly and Indirectly Transmitted by Rats

  • Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome
  • Leptospirosis
  • Rat-bite Fever
  • Salmonellosis
  • Plague
  • Colorado Tick Fever
  • Cutaneous Leishmaniasis

Why should rat removal be a priority?

With their large teeth, they administer painful bites. They lunge and bite to defend themselves. Rat-bite victims may contract rat-bite fever. They are also vulnerable to tetanus infections. 

Pain, redness, swelling around the bite is the most common symptoms of a rat bite. Pus-filled wounds take place in case of secondary infection. Other symptoms are associated with bacterial infections known as streptobacillary rat-bite fever or spirillary rat-bite fever.

Vomiting, muscle ache, fever, joint pain, headache, and rash are common symptoms of streptobacillary rat-bite fever. Symptoms may develop after 3-10 days from when a person gets an infected rat bite.

Signs of spirillary rat-bite fever may alter from case to case. Swelling, repetitive fever, rash, an ulcer at the site of the bite, and swollen lymph nodes may develop one to three weeks after.

Nonetheless, rats and mice are very rarely infected with rabies. It hardly transmits the disease to humans.

Rat bites could be deep or shallow. It may give rise to multiple abrasions or single puncture wounds. Victims may bleed. Rodent bites should be promptly cleaned and disinfected with Tetanus immunization. Infections are rare, though.

Dead rats generate a foul smell. It could be difficult for you to dispose of their bodies. Search for mice removal near me to get a quick solution. Professionals use a dead rat odour eliminator and ask persons bitten by a rat to seek a medical professional.

Steps To Take To Keep Mice Out Of Your House If You Are Living In Brisbane

Rats are unwanted intruders in your house. Mice are not only unsightly, but they can carry illnesses that might harm you or others you care about. Walls, insulation, and electrical wires are no match for their destructiveness. Mice removal Brisbane is the only way to recover your house and bring it back in order.

You can do this securely and successfully – don’t worry about it. Or you can hire a local mouse and rat exterminator to help you.

Rats Pest Control Brisbane has helped tens of thousands of people get rid of their rat infestations. To help you out, we’ve compiled a list of our favourite ways to keep rodents at bay.

Let’s get right in.

Rats and issues you can face

We all know what rats look like, but did you know where they live, how they find a place to call their own, and what they eat?

They originated in Asia and Australia and have since spread around the globe. It is calculated that there are more than 60 different species of rat, according to the ITIS.

In terms of size, rats may be as little as 5 inches long, but they can also grow to the size of a big housecat and weigh up to 5 pounds. This is why only a 24 hour rat control Brisbane service can help you eliminate them.

How To Get Rid Of mouse In The House Fast?

No one likes to share their home with rats. Fortunately, the following pointers may assist you in your attempt to rid your house of rats.

1. Inspect The Home

You cannot eradicate rats without first thoroughly assessing your house to determine the source of their infestation.

Take a good look around the exterior of your home for visible entry spots like broken drainpipes and garage door breaches, as well as gaps around vents and holes in the foundation.

Look for possible entry holes within the home, such as the vents, drains, appliance lines, and other similar openings. Once you learn where the rats are getting into the house, you may block the entrance sites and put traps in place. You can also hire a professional to inspect your home by searching online for a “mice exterminator near me”.

2. Seal The Gaps

You don’t need a massive hole in your wall for rats to come into your home. They can come through any opening that you can poke through with two fingers. Consider this while repairing any cracks or holes in your home’s walls, both inside and outside.

Fill up these cracks with wire wool, metal kick plates, cement, or caulk for long-term effects. Make sure they’re in good condition by checking them out a few times a month.

Advice: Consult an expert if you’re having trouble figuring out where the entry points are by searching for “rat removal near me”.

3. Clean Up

Rats are nocturnal creatures, and they’re always on the lookout for a spot to hide. Eliminating rats’ hiding spots is a great technique to get rid of them without poison. Move things away from the walls in and around your house to clear up space.

Make sure to store all food and waste in closed containers, mop up spills quickly, and maintain your plumbing system free of obstructions.

4. Consider Trapping

Trapping has been the most successful method of eradicating rats since rodenticides and strong poisons have gone out of favour or have been forbidden. You may reduce rat populations without the use of poisonous traps.

In the event that you decide to set your traps, make careful to put as many as possible in high-activity areas. Bait with peanut butter, unsalted seeds, bananas, or apples.

Consider employing a pest control company if you don’t want to place the traps yourself. You can find such an expert by looking online for “mice removal near me”.

5. Use Natural Deterrent Methods

A few basic, natural substances may go a long way in eradicating rats.

Try these natural alternatives:

  • Sprinkle peppermint oil, cayenne pepper, black pepper, or cloves around the outside of the house to deter rats from gaining in. Apply a liberal amount of the material of your choosing to the line between your foundation and the ground.
  • Douse rat tunnels and apertures with pepper (or pepper spray) as a deterrent. As a consequence, your property will be less attractive to rats since they will be put off from returning.

6. Call A Professional Pest Management Company

A local pest control firm can assist you in getting rid of rats if you have them in your walls.

To keep rats out of your walls and prevent more damage, they will assist you in determining the ports of the entrance, nesting locations, and food caches they use to get into your property.

Find them by searching on Google for “local rat removal company Brisbane”.


With the information you’ve learned here, you’ll have a rat-free home in no time! Rats Pest Control Brisbane, on the other hand, can get and keep rats out of your house if you require their assistance.